Capacity Enhancement Schemes
Details of DMIHER capability enhancement and life skills development schemes

1) Soft skills development:
DMIHER conducts value added soft training program for the students like Get Set Go in first professional year, Advanced Get Set Go in second professional year that include pertinent Soft skills like Interpersonal skills, time management, Group dynamics, Stress management, Teamwork , Critical Thinking skills etc. Students Guidance clinic also imparts soft skills training by one to one or group interaction as the need may be.
2) Language and communication skills development
Attitude Ethics and Communication skills (AETCOM) skill training is an integral part of every curriculum. DMIHER organizes training programmes for the students like Communication skills, Functional English, Psychometric Assessment, Local Language training, Sanskrit Training and quiz for language and communication skills development amongst students. Classes for Marathi language is conducted on weekends for students to get well versed with vernacular language while dealing with patients. A Marathi dictionary is also prepared to aid the same. Debates and Students seminars are periodically conducted and given due credence in Internal assessment.
3) Yoga and Wellness
The Value education cell of the University conducts various Yoga sessions for the students like Yoga training for Medical, Dental, Ayurveda, Physiotherapy and Nursing Undergraduates for Yoga and wellness. Yogasana Competition and 10 day long celebration and commemoration of International yoga day on 22nd June , is conducted in every constituent unit and report is submitted to UGC. Foundation course for fresh entrants entails one hour of yoga and meditation classes every morning. A certified Yoga instructor along with faculties of Ayurveda college conduct awareness programs and practice sessions regarding Yoga and Meditation for students, teaching , non-teaching and admitted patients.
4) Analytical Skills Development:
We organised periodic Research methodology workshops for students, teachers , Doctoral students and guides. ICMR research methodology course on Bioethics is made compulsory for all PGs and is a part of coursework for doctoral scholars. Research and publication model in Competency based graduate medical education is implemented for all Health Sciences program and is given due credence is given to UG in IA for research and publication. Student engagement to hone Problem solving skills, Critical thinking skills , Analytical skills are embedded in regular curricular transactions. The ‘Umbrella mechanism of the University for Meaningful Student Engagement (MSE) in all curricular initiatives and related decision making’ enable every student to actively contribute in various curricular and co curricular initiatives (eg : outcome based electronic question bank) to hone such skills.
5) Human Value Development:
Value education classes are conducted for all the students throughout the year for human development of values. Students Guidance Clinic is functioning to help students to gain insight into origins and development of emotional difficulties, leading to increased capacity to take rational control over feeling and emotions. Value education cell imparts sensitisation sessions regarding Values in family , Professional life, Self development, Universal values, Human values, Temporal values, Character development , role of spirituality etc.
6) Personality and professional development
DMIHER conducts personality development programs like Seven habits of highly effective people , Presenter in Me , Gratitude ceremony – as a respect to cadave , Clinical reasoning skills, Leadership and Managerial skills. Various personality and professional development programmes for the students like Fresher’s Induction at the time of admission to the course, Clinical Induction at the time of entry into Clinics, Internship Induction at the beginning of Internship and PG induction at the time of entry into Residency programme are standard practices. Students are part of official committees like College council , Joint college council apart from the student council wherein they get a chance to represent their batch of students , voice their choices and concerns thereby getting experiential learning regrading leadership and communication skills. Ted Talks, Student Interaction with eminent personalities across the globe from various professions during Foundation course and PG Induction are standard practices of the University.
7) Employability skills development
The Training and Placement cell of the University organizes various Career Guidance sessions like Career opportunity for Medical, Dental, Ayurvedic, Physiotherapy Interns and UG students throughout the year. In addition, Programme like scope of Dentistry, Ayurveda, Physiotherapy in Overseas Countries are organized for Employability skills development. Alumni cell regularly conducts Alutalks by distinguished alumni regarding career counselling, career growth opportunities and developmental road maps along with sharing of experiences. Value added courses on ‘Resume writing’, ‘Scientific writing’, appearing for Interviews etc are organised by Placement cell for all streams of students. Talks from Industry experts, industrial visits and placement drives are organised for students. Programs in Allied Health Sciences offers Apprenticeship Embedded program in all semesters and on job training opportunities and semester abroad are available so that students get opportunities to work in industries and develop employability skills.
Summary 2021-2022
SN |
Name of Scheme | Name of Activity | 2021-22 |
Number of activities |
No. of beneficiaries |
1 |
Soft skills development | Get Set Go | 23 |
1575 |
Advanced Get Set Go | 7 |
556 |
Presenter in Me | 5 |
346 |
2 |
Language and communication skills development | Attitude Ethics & Communication skills (AETCOM) | 27 |
750 |
Communication Skills Level | 20 |
1682 |
English for Nurses | 4 |
358 |
3 |
Yoga and Wellness | Commemoration of YOGA days/Week | 4 |
693 |
4 |
Analytical skill development | Research Methodology Workshop for Undergraduates & Postgraduates | 5 |
994 |
Training In Ethics in research | 1 |
254 |
Training in Systematic Reviews & Manuscript Writing for PhD Scholars, and Fellows. | 2 |
164 |
5 |
Human value development | Value Education Activities | 2 |
678 |
6 |
Personality and professional development | Induction & Orientation Program | 4 |
406 |
Debate competition | 6 |
1689 |
BLS Course for Students | 63 |
897 |
7 |
Employability skills development | Training and placement cell activities | 37 |
3299 |
Computer Skills Level | 10 |
766 |
Summary 2020-2021
SN |
Name of Scheme | Name of Activity | 2020-21 |
Number of activities |
No. of beneficiaries |
1 |
Soft skills development | Get Set Go | 14 |
1017 |
Advanced Get Set Go | 6 |
605 |
Presenter in Me | 2 |
207 |
2 |
Language and communication skills development | Attitude Ethics & Communication skills (AETCOM) | 19 |
500 |
Communication Skills Level | 14 |
1263 |
English for Nurses | 8 |
341 |
3 |
Yoga and Wellness | Commemoration of YOGA days/Week | 1 |
212 |
4 |
Analytical skill development | Research Methodology Workshop for Graduates, Postgraduates, PhD Scholars, Fellows. | 4 |
746 |
Training in Systematic Reviews & Manuscript Writing | 3 |
468 |
Training in Problem Solving/Design Thinking/Ideation | 1 |
184 |
Training in Field/Exposure | 1 |
30 |
Training In Impact lecture series | 1 |
152 |
5 |
Human value development | Value Education Activities | 2 |
620 |
6 |
Personality and professional development | Induction & Orientation Program | 4 |
442 |
Debate competition | 3 |
688 |
7 |
Employability skills development | Training and placement cell activities | 17 |
1365 |
Computer Skills Level | 17 |
1841 |
Summary 2019-2020
SN |
Name of Scheme | Name of Activity | 2019-20 |
Number of activities |
No. of beneficiaries |
1 |
Soft skills development | Get Set Go | 15 |
898 |
Advanced Get Set Go | 3 |
166 |
Presenter in Me | 3 |
282 |
2 |
Language and communication skills development | Attitude Ethics & Communication skills (AETCOM) | 06 |
250 |
English for Nurses | 6 |
406 |
3 |
Yoga and Wellness | Commemoration of YOGA days/Week | 1 |
135 |
4 |
Analytical skill development | Research Leadership Talk | 2 |
313 |
PRODIGY Workshop | 1 |
204 |
5 |
Human value development | Value Education Activities | 2 |
610 |
6 |
Personality and professional development | Induction & Orientation Program | 8 |
639 |
Debate competition | 1 |
170 |
BLS Course for Students | 6 |
90 |
7 |
Employability skills development | Training and placement cell activities | 16 |
1666 |
Summary 2018-2019
SN |
Name of Scheme | Name of Activity | 2019-20 |
Number of activities |
No. of beneficiaries |
1 |
Soft skills development | Get Set Go | 2 |
109 |
2 |
Language and communication skills development | English for Nurses | 3 |
285 |
3 |
Yoga and Wellness | Commemoration of YOGA days/Week | 1 |
312 |
4 |
Analytical skill development | India First Leadership Talk Series | 2 |
539 |
Training in Innovation & IPR | 2 |
290 |
Training in social entrepreneurship & Sinnolab | 1 |
45 |
5 |
Human value development | Value Education Activities | 2 |
560 |
6 |
Personality and professional development | Induction & Orientation Program | 5 |
334 |
Debate competition | 1 |
354 |
BLS Course for Students | 44 |
616 |
BLS Instructor Course for Students | 1 |
7 |
7 |
Employability skills development | Training and placement cell activities | 14 |
1470 |
Summary 2017-2018
SN |
Name of Scheme | Name of Activity | 2017-18 |
Number of activities |
No. of beneficiaries |
1 |
Soft skills development | Get Set Go | 9 |
637 |
2 |
Language and communication skills development | English for Nurses | 4 |
229 |
3 |
Yoga and Wellness | Commemoration of YOGA days/Week | 1 |
160 |
4 |
Analytical skill development | Research Methodology Additive manufacturing in MedTech" | 1 |
42 |
Training in social entrepreneurship & Sinnolab | 1 |
190 |
Training in Idea Competition under Sinnolab | 1 |
32 |
5 |
Human value development | Value Education Activities | 2 |
520 |
6 |
Personality and professional development | Induction & Orientation Program | 2 |
118 |
BLS Course for Students | 4 |
76 |
7 |
Employability skills development | Training and placement cell activities | 17 |
1827 |
Detail Reports of the Capacity enhancement programs and other skill development schemes
Sr. No. |
University / Non-government Schemes | Relevant Links |
1. |
Attitude Ethics and Communication (AETCOM) skills training | |
2. |
Soft Skill training programs in Foundation course | |
3. |
Training programs in Personality Development | |
4. |
Training programs in Analytical skills | |
5. |
Training programs in Value Education | |
6. |
Training programs in Yoga and Meditation | |
7. |
Employability skill development | |