About SHER
The unprecedented growth of Medical Institutions in India in the past two decades has led to a shortage of teachers and has created quality challenges for medical education.
In recent years, though as medical advances have been understood & adopted by many institutions, the same is not true for educational planning & implementations. The situation is made quite grave by the gross disparity in the global standards of Health Education and the actual practice in the Indian context, leaving behind a penumbra. Hence there is a need for the creation of educational programs to resolve this penumbra which exists between the global and national standards of Health education. As per the guidelines of the Medical Council of India, in the year 1997, the Medical Education Unit was established at Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (JNMC). As such, in 2007, the Medical Education Unit was upgraded to the Department of Medical Education Technology (DOME) to take care of the academic ambiance and Faculty Development at the university level. The Department of Medical Education Technology at DMIHER (DU) was upgraded to a Center for Health Professions Education and Research in 2012 and finally to a full-fledged School of Higher Education and Research (SHER) in 2013. It is designated as one of the Centers of Excellence with a Chair attributable to it. SHER takes care of the academic ambiance in all the constituent colleges of the University through its unique feature of respective Education Units. DMIHER being a Deemed to be University has the privilege to design and implement its own education program which is comparable to the global standards, and has lead to the creation of the "School for Health Professions Education and Research" along with its five departments of Curriculum, Department of Teaching & Learning, Department of Assessment & Evaluation, Department of Educational & Research, Department of Competences and four educational Units - Dental Education Unit (DEU) at SPDC, Ayurved Education Unit (AEU) at MGAC, Nursing Education Unit (NEU) at SRMMCON & Physiotherapy Education Unit (PEU) at RNPC. The constituent colleges are tasked to take care of the academic ambiance of the university and to premier to promote improvement in the quality of medical education to match & exceed the global landscape, ultimately leading to quality augmentation of healthcare for mankind.
To provide core competencies that all health professionals need to possess regardless of their discipline as agents of change to meet the expectations and legitimate needs from the 21st century effective and meaningful healthcare delivery system.MISSION
In pursuit of vision to provide high quality educational facilities in all health professions by developing and evolving such programs that ensure continuous quality sustenance enrichment and enhancement so as to enable the provision of state of art patient care to all concerned.OBJECTIVES
- To promote systematic approach to curriculum design, update and timely implementation.
- To validate, standardize and monitor teaching learning activities
- To create, validate & standardize Assessment and Evaluation Strategies
- To promote the culture of continuing professionals update.
- To inculcate Clinical and Communication skills to make the students Globally competent and relevant.
- To promote educational research in various domains of Health Professional Education
- To train the health professionals in Basic and Advanced Courses in collaboration with MCI recognized Nodal Center at Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha under the rubric training of trainers.

Qualification: (MBBS, MD, PhD)
School of Higher Education and Research (SHER),
Professor of Anatomy,
Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education and Research (DMIHER),
Email : sherdu@dmiher.edu.in