About SEPH
DMIHER (DU) established the ‘School of Epidemiology & Public Health’ (SEPH) with the vision to develop and run globally competitive & practice-based programs with a focus on Epidemiology and Public health. One of the key determinants for improvement in community health is the worth and preparedness of the public health workforce, which in turn, depends on the relevance and quality of its education and training. The school intends to prepare leaders in epidemiology, public health science and practice. The three major pillars of the functioning of the school are - Public Health Education, Research and Community Services. The school intends to create and sustain a thriving academic community environment that embraces diversity in expertise and interests in public health-related issues. The core functional areas are academic programs; Research and collaborations, Linkages & Networking; Community engagement and Professional development Courses/workshops.
The various divisions in school cater to Social epidemiology, Evidence synthesis, One health, Public health technology, Clinical epidemiology.
International collaborations (Liverpool John Moore's University, UK; Harvard School of Public Health, Bournemouth University, UK; University of Sydney, Australia; University of Chester, UK) & national (IIPH, Gandhinagar; National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad; Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai; Public Health Department/NRHM Govt. of Maharashtra; MAHAN Trust Melghat, Maharashtra, etc)
The school is accredited as an affiliated branch of 'Center for One Health, Education, Research and Development (COHERD)', which is a joint effort by Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India and Institute for Hygiene and Public Health, University Hospital Bonn, Germany
The courses will provide career and employment opportunities for students as Programme manager, Community health officer, Project coordinator, Epidemiologist, Surveillance Officer, Health Manager, Public Health expert, Rapid Response Team member, etc in
International organizations like WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, etc
National and State Government health organizations,
National Health Mission
Research Institutions
Development sector
Academic institutions
Advocacy groups, Voluntary health organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations
Expert for Health aspects in organisations like NDRF

Dr. Abhay Gaidhane, Professor, Community Medicine
Director, School of Epidemiology & Public Health,
Unit Head, UNESCO Chair of Bioethics (Haifa) Unit at DMIHER,
Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education and Research, Wardha (MS) India
Public Health Field Leader Fellow, Recipient of Australian Leadership Fellowship Award
Adjunct Faculty, Georgia Southern University, USA
Member, South Asia Infant Feeding Research Network
.Email: sephdmims@gmail.com